Happy Thanksgiving
The smell of pumpkin spice is found throughout the land, whether in candles found in your friends’ homes or coming off the coffee you just ordered.
But what does that really mean? What is it really about? Well, it depends on who you ask, this is the story of pilgrims coming over from Europe and connecting with the indigenous people, trade agreements were made and disease was also brought. This isn’t the story that I grew up remembering. The story in our house was one of being reminded of family and a time to actually reconnect with those we loved over a meal that seemed to take forever to prepare, a meal that left you feeling stuffed for days. We never discussed the first Thanksgiving rather we used this day off to spend time together and being thankful for that.
In the day of information, it’s not hard to go on Google or YouTube and find out the true roots of where Thanksgiving came from. A day of mourning as well as a day to be thankful for what you have in your life.
We can always look at the past and go to the deep roots of what different holidays are about and begin to build upon that. In many ways I think it’s important to move forward to not forget what has happened but also to be reminded that we can change what it means to have Thanksgiving.
This is a time to reflect on all the good that God has provided to us as a human race, that Thanksgiving is simply a time as a nation that we can celebrate the good of humanity. We know that humanity in every part of the world has shown the bad that exists but, in this day, and age it’s important that we are reminded of the good that we are capable of.
During this time, we are often celebrating with large feasts of all sorts of food. This can range from turkey, ham or fish, often served with vegetables of all sorts.
This is a time where family comes over to gather together and remind themselves of why they get up in the morning, of what they live for. This is a time to spend with family and friends and look at all the good God has given you.
At 3 Arches USA we look to remind ourselves of the good that exists in humanity as well as to be thankful for the family, friends, and overall blessings that God provides.
We hope and pray that your Thanksgiving will be a time to reflect on what you have been given in your life and a time to be reminded of all the good God provides.
From our family to yours we wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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