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What is Ash Wednesday?



Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent and occurs 46 days before Easter. It is a Christian holy day of prayer and fasting. It derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of adherents as a sign of repentance.

The ashes come from burning palm leaves from the previous year’s Palm Sunday.

Ash Wednesday is a reminder that we are mortal and that we all will return to dust. It is a day to turn away from sin and be grateful for the gift of salvation that we have in Jesus Christ.

1st day of Lent

Lent is a time of reflection and penance in the lead up to Easter. Many Christians give up something for the 40 days of Lent as a way of preparing for the celebrations of Easter. Some people give up chocolate, others give up alcohol, and still others give up social media. Whatever you choose to give up, the important thing is that you use the time to reflect on your relationship with God and how you can improve it.

Lent is also a time to focus on charitable works. Many people use the extra time they have from giving up something to volunteer or donate to a good cause. This is a great way to practice living out your faith and helping those in need.

If you are thinking of giving up something for Lent, or if you are already in the midst of Lenten reflection, we encourage you to use this time to grow closer to God. This is a special time to focus on your relationship with the Lord and to prepare your heart for Easter.



How is Ash Wednesday celebrated?


As mentioned before Ash Wednesday is celebrated by many Christians as a day of fasting and repentance.

When we fast, we are choosing to deny our physical bodies something that it desires. This act of self-control and self-denial can be a powerful tool to help us repent of our sins and turn our hearts back towards God.

When we deny our physical bodies, we are reminded that we are not slaves to our appetites and desires. We are reminded that we are spiritual beings with a soul that needs to be nourished by God.

Fasting can help us to focus our minds on God and on His will for our lives. It can help us to humble ourselves before Him and to seek His forgiveness.

If you are struggling with a particular sin, try fasting and praying for God’s help to overcome it. You may be surprised at how effective this simple act can be in helping you to turn your life around.

Thinking about the perfect gift to get for yourself or get for a loved one to remind them of God’s goodness during this time of prayer and fasting?

Perhaps you have thought about getting a rosary?

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